How does the weather channel app use background activity when I have it turned off for the app in iOS settings? Need to look for a new weather app I like. Dark Sky is great for near term forecast but not for longer term forecast.
How does the weather channel app use background activity when I have it turned off for the app in iOS settings? Need to look for a new weather app I like. Dark Sky is great for near term forecast but not for longer term forecast.
Amazon AppleTV app released according to release notes for their Amazon Prime Video iOS app. I can’t find it in AppleTV App Store yet but I suspect it will be there later today.
Used Apple Pay Cash today. Loaded $10 in it to try it (loads immediately). I had purchased some items for a friend so he paid me via Apple Pay Cash and I set up a transfer to my bank account (that takes 1-3 business days). Seems like a nice system.
Congrats to Daniel Jalkut of @redsweater on the release of MarsEdit 4.…
Released version 3.1 of reDraw Whiteboard today. Main new feature is external screen also zooms/pans when you zoom/pan iPad screen plus a couple other new small features.…
Released version 6.1 of Attendance2 today with a few new features I’ve been working on for a while.
Saw this Advice for early-career developers
Overall seems like pretty good advice. My favorite quote: “Being willing to read is a superpower in our industry. It really is.”
Starting to cross-post my posts to Twitter. Will still reply on Twitter but will initiate new posts from
Technology is amazing but can also be debilitating. I wish I could convince my students to ignore their cell phones when studying and working on assignments. NYT article
There’s lots of software I have purchased because I would occasionally find them useful, but not enough to pay a subscription for. I think the reason subscription prices are higher than previous upgrade prices for same app is they realize they’re going to lose a lot of customers.
I somewhat begrudgingly switched to subscription versions of two pieces of software I use and right now I can only think of one other I would buy via subscription without first strongly considering other options.
This Matt Gemmell pretty much sums up my thoughts on software subscriptions.
I checked my Attendance2 app written in Objective-C with Xcode 9 and it was nice that it compiled without any changes. I like Swift but I look forward to when we have the same stability with Swift.
Some great tips on features of the iOS simulator link
Convenient access to frequently used colors in Xcode 9. Swift talk link
When writing C/C++ (and probably Objective-C), in Xcode 9, select function prototypes in header file, control-click, and choose “Generate Missing Function Declarations” at 20:20 in this WWDC video
Bizarre news this week with Comey getting fired. Fortunately, a decent spring day finally allowed me to get out for a ride and away from the news. 46 miles at 19.2 MPH Strava link
Not spring weather in central Ohio this week but only decent day for a bike ride this week. Mid 40s and cloudy to start. 46 miles with Tim and Isaac at 20.5 MPH with lunch at Castles in Mechanicsburg. Strava link
The Weather Channel app used 1.4 GB of cellular data on my phone in 3 days even though cellular data for it is turned off. The app was also on my Apple Watch so perhaps that used it. Uninstalled the app from my watch. Will delete app from phone if it happens again.
Warm and windy day. Got out for a 28.7 mile bike ride at 18.1 MPH. Strava link
Rainy day in Columbus. Put finishing touches on minor update to my iOS Attendance2 app and submitted for review.
Looking forward to reading this series on coordinators. In theory I like the idea of coordinators, but if there’s no chance a view controller will be reused, it may be overengineering in some situations.